I read 4 chapters which taught me 4 laws! 1. Never outshine the master. It's like when you're on a sports team and you are playing with a really good player. You want to help and support them and not try to stop their shine, that way you keep a good attitude and a good team vibe. 2. Never put too much trust in friends. It's like in basketball, you trust your teammates to pass you the ball, but you also need to be careful not to depend on them too much just in case they make a mistake. 3. Conceal your intentions. It's like when you play a card game and you don't tell anyone your strategy so you can have a better chance of winning. 4. Always say less then necessary. It's like in basketball, you don't tell the other team your game plan. That way you avoid misunderstandings and stay in control of the situation. These are the 4 laws of power I learned.
Proud of you son ! Keep reading you will go far the more you read this book 🤟🏾